I agree to the RULES.
Without expectation of compensation or other remuneration, now or in the future, I hereby give my consent to [Full Court Advantage/SwinCity Mag], its affiliates and agents, to use my image/video and likeness and/or any interview statements from me in its publications, advertising, or other media activities (including the Internet). This consent includes, but is not limited to:
Authorizing Full Court Advantage and its affiliates and agents to take photographs or produce videotapes, audiotapes, electronic files, or other types of media productions that capture my name, voice and/or image, to be released to members of the media, or to be used by Full Court Advantage for the purpose of:
• News media (online, print and/or broadcast)
• Websites and social media
• Publications and/or promotional materials
• Medical and/or educational training
• Closed circuit television programs
• Any other lawful purpose
• Advertisements
SwinCity Teams Logos|
All teams’ Brands and Logos must be in compliance with SwinCity Branding.
The information to be disclosed includes:
•Photographic images of me
•Video or audio of me and/or my voice
(a) Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice.
(b) Permission to use my name; and
(c) Permission to use quotes from the interview(s) (or excerpts of such quotes), the film, photograph(s), tape(s) or reproduction(s) of me, and/or recording of my voice, in part or in whole, in its publications, in newspapers, magazines and other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including the Internet), in theatrical media and/or in mailings for educational and awareness.
Roster & Registration Requirements
Roster: Each player on the team must be registered online. Online rosters will reflect what is considered official with the league. It is the coach’s responsibility to make sure that his roster is accurate.
Registration: Each player must provide the following to complete registration:
Player Participation: A player may only play on one team.
Forfeit: The game will be forfeited if a team is not ready to play after 5 minutes. A Technical foul will be awarded for each minute late.
Addition to forfeit rule include:
• A team must have 4 players to start a game.
• Players must play in one game to participate in the playoffs.
• Only NBA players may participate in the playoffs without playing in a game.
• 31 Point Deficit – A team must pay a $200 penalty to stay in the league or if the team loses by 31 twice the team will be removed from the league. (No Refund)
Get beat by 31 points twice the team is out the league.
Score/Timekeepers: The league will provide Official Score/Timekeepers and Statistician. A team’s Statistician and/or Scorer are not permitted to sit at the official scorer’s table. Coaches can approach the score table during a time-out, between quarters or at half-time. Players are not allowed to approach the score table.
Length of Games:
• 10-minute quarters, 1 minute between quarters and a 3-minute half time
• A running clock will be used. The referee, a time out or a technical foul can only stop the clock. The following exception will apply; a regulation clock will be used at the last minute of every quarter.
• Maximum pre-game warm-up 6 minutes (subject to change). League officials have the discretion to shorten each period in order to maintain the time schedule.
NBA Foul Rules:
• 6 Team Fouls per quarter team is awarded two free throws.
• 10 Team Fouls team is awarded two free throws and possession of the ball.
• The bonus rule supersedes the normal rules for defensive fouls on shot attempts.
Start of Game:
• A game can start with a minimum of four players.
• A technical foul will be awarded for every minute a team is late during the 5-minute clock.
• Each team is given 4 time-outs per game (2 – Full and 2 – 30 seconds). Time-outs do not carry over to overtime.
• First overtime 2 minutes, second overtime 1st to score wins game.
• Each team is given 1–30 second time out for overtime. (Time outs do not carry over from regulation)
Additional Rules:
• 1st Delay of game warning $20 – payable Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle
• 2nd Delay of game warning $20 – payable Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle
• Technical Foul $20 – payable Cash, Cash App, Venmo, Zelle
NOTE: Fee must be paid within 1 minute before game can resume play.
Coaches Responsibility:
• Supply your own basketballs for warm up. (The league will not provide warm up basketballs.
• Arrive 45 minutes prior to first game to receive uniforms.
• Questions about score always speak to the referee.
• Players legal name must be listed in score book and on the roster
• Players must play in one regular season game to participate in the playoffs. Exception: NBA/NCAA players
• After the game, please have the team quickly gather their belongings, clear all items (clothing, trash) and move behind the benches to the designated area.
• Team will exit through different doors than the entrance.
• Extra seating will be available for dressing.
Rules at a Glance
1. Game Time: is start time (5 minutes will be placed on the clock once clock expires the game is a forfeit). A game can start with four players.
2. Playing in incomplete uniform is forfeiture of game. (Do not let players take Uniforms home)
2. Length of Games: 10-minute quarters, 1 minute between quarters and a 3-minute half time. A running clock will be used. The following exception will apply; a regulation clock will be used at the last minute of every quarter.
3. Maximum pre-game warm-up 6 minutes (subject to change). League officials have the discretion to shorten each period in order to maintain the time schedule.
4. Score/Timekeepers: will be provided by the league.
5. Time-outs: Each team is given 4 time-outs per game (2 – Full and 2 – 30 seconds). Time-outs do not carry over to overtime.
6. Overtime: First overtime 2 minutes, second overtime 1st to score wins game. Each team is given 1–30 second time out for overtime. (Time outs do not carry over from regulation).
7. NBA/WNBA Foul Rules: Team Fouls per quarter team is awarded two free throws. Team Fouls team is awarded two free throws and possession of the ball. The bonus rule supersedes the normal rules for defensive fouls on shot attempts.
I agree to the privacy policy.
Without expectation of compensation or other remuneration, now or in the future, I hereby give my consent to [Full Court Advantage/SwinCity Mag], its affiliates and agents, to use my image/video and likeness and/or any interview statements from me in its publications, advertising, or other media activities (including the Internet). This consent includes, but is not limited to:
Authorizing Full Court Advantage and its affiliates and agents to take photographs or produce videotapes, audiotapes, electronic files, or other types of media productions that capture my name, voice and/or image, to be released to members of the media, or to be used by Full Court Advantage for the purpose of:
• News media (online, print and/or broadcast)
• Websites and social media
• Publications and/or promotional materials
• Medical and/or educational training
• Closed circuit television programs
• Any other lawful purpose
• Advertisements
SwinCity Teams Logos|
All teams’ Brands and Logos must be in compliance with SwinCity Branding.
The information to be disclosed includes:
•Photographic images of me
•Video or audio of me and/or my voice
(a) Permission to interview, film, photograph, tape, or otherwise make a video reproduction of me and/or record my voice.
(b) Permission to use my name; and
(c) Permission to use quotes from the interview(s) (or excerpts of such quotes), the film, photograph(s), tape(s) or reproduction(s) of me, and/or recording of my voice, in part or in whole, in its publications, in newspapers, magazines and other print media, on television, radio and electronic media (including the Internet), in theatrical media and/or in mailings for educational and awareness.
Roster & Registration Requirements
Roster: Each player on the team must be registered online. Online rosters will be the official roster for the league. It is the coach’s responsibility to make sure that his/her roster is accurate.
Registration: Each player must complete registration online with the correct team.
Player Participation:
• A player may only play on one team for the season.
• Player must notify the coach if he decides to play on another team, both teams must notify the league in writing 24 hours before the games of that week:
▪ Your request must include: • The team’s name
• Coaches full name
• Players full name
• The transfer teams name and coach name
▪ Brenda Barlow (972)-742-6058
▪ Nikki Greene (936)-229-9700
• If a coach releases a player as a Free Agent, he must notify the league officials within 24
hours before the start of games after the release, the release request must include:
▪ The players name
▪ Team’s name
▪ Coaches name
• If the player is released from two teams, he is suspended from play for 2 games.
• Players must play in one game during the regular season to participate in playoffs.
• Only NBA/Special Guest/Overseas/Collegiate players may participate in the playoffs without playing in a game.
Coaches Responsibility:
• Supply your own basketballs for warm up. (The league will not provide warm up basketballs).
• Player(s) must be dressed in full team uniform. ▪ SwinCity 2024 issued jersey top and shorts
• Arrive 45 minutes before your first game to receive uniforms.
• Questions about score always speak to the referee.
• Player legal full name must be printed in score book and on the roster.
• Players must play in one regular season game to participate in the playoffs.
o Exception: NBA/WNBA and Overseas players
• After the game, please have the team quickly gather their belongings, clear all items (clothing, trash, etc.) and move to the designated area.
• Team will exit through different doors than the entrance.
Score/Timekeepers: The league will provide Official Score/Timekeepers and Statistician. A team’s Statistician and/or Scorer are not permitted to sit at the official scorer’s table. Coaches can approach the score table during a time-out, between quarters or at half-time. Players are not allowed to approach the score table.
Start of Game:
• A game can start with a minimum of four players.
• A technical foul will be awarded at start of game for not having five players. If at halftime team only has four players another technical foul will be awarded.
• Players must be dressed in full team uniform. ▪ 2024 edition Swin City issued matching jersey top and shorts.
Forfeit: If a team is not ready to play at game time 5 minutes will be placed on the clock, once time has expired and the team is not ready to play the game is forfeited. If players arrive before time expires to start game a technical foul will be awarded.
31 Point Deficit: A team must pay a $200 penalty to stay in the league or the team will be removed from the league.
Mercy Rule: Last two minutes of the game, if one team is up by 20 points, the game will be called “over” by the officials.
NBA/WNBA Foul Rules:
• 6 Personal Fouls per player.
• 5th Team Fouls, the opposing team will be in the bonus, awarded two free-throws.
• 10 Team Fouls, the opposing team is awarded two free throws and possession of the ball.
Shooting Fouls:
• Shooting fouls will be awarded as follows during running clock, regulation will resume during the last two minutes of the game: ▪ 1 for 2
▪ 2 for 3
Other Fouls:
• Flagrant/Technical Fouls Protocol $200 Fine for the following: ▪ Ejection one game suspension
▪ Two Technical Fouls
▪ Flagrant but not intentional Foul
• Each team is given 4 time-outs per game (2 – Full and 2 – 30 seconds). Time-outs do not carry over to overtime.
Length of Games:
• Maximum pre-game warm-up 6 minutes (subject to change). League officials have the discretion to shorten each period in order to maintain the time schedule.
• 10-minute quarters, 1 minute between quarters and a 6-minute half time.
• 24 second shot clock
• A running clock will be used. The referee, a time out or a technical foul can only stop the clock. The following exception will apply: a regulation clock will be used the last two minutes of the fourth quarter and shooting fouls will resume to regulation.
• Last two minutes of regulation game/overtime ▪ Clock will stop every basket.
▪ If you have a timeout left, the ball can be advanced after timeout.
▪ Clock will not start until ball is touched on an inbound pass.
▪ Coaches will have one Coaches challenge.
• First overtime 2 minutes, second overtime 1st to score wins game.
• Each team is given 1–30 second time out for overtime. (Time outs do not carry over from regulation)
Additional Rules:
Defensive three second rule
o 1st violation is a warning.
o Further violation, team is awarded one shot and the ball.
Delay of Game
o 1st Delay of game warning
o 2nd Delay of game technical foul will be awarded
Technical Foul
o 1st Technical Foul $ 50
o If a player is ejected from the game the player must pay $100 and automatic next game suspension
Rules at a Glance
1. Game Time: is start time (5 minutes will be placed on the clock once clock expires the game is a forfeit). Game can start with four players.
2. Length of Games: 10-minute quarters, 1 minute between quarters and a 6-minute half time. 24 second shot clock. A running clock will be used. The following exception will apply; a regulation clock will be used the last two minutes of the fourth quarter, shooting fouls will resume to regulation.
3. Maximum pre-game warm-up 6 minutes (subject to change). League officials have the discretion to shorten each period in order to maintain the time schedule.
4. Score/Timekeepers: will be provided by the league.
5. Time-outs: Each team is given 4 time-outs per game (2 – Full and 2 – 30 seconds). Time-outs do not carry over to overtime.
6. Overtime: First overtime 2 minutes, second overtime 1st to score wins game. Each team is given 1–30 second time out for overtime. (Time outs do not carry over from regulation).
7. NBA Foul Rules: 5 Team Fouls per quarter, opposing team is awarded two free throws. 10 Team Fouls, opposing team is awarded two free throws and possession of the ball.
I hereby assume all of the risks of participating in this THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES, including by way of example and not limitation, any risks that may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained or controlled by them, or because of their possible liability without fault.
I certify that I am physically fit and have not been advised to not participate by a qualified medical professional. I certify that there are no health-related reasons or problems which preclude my participation in this THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES EVENTS. I acknowledge that this Accident Waiver and Release of Liability Form will be used by the organizers of the THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES EVENTS in which I may participate and that it will govern my actions and responsibilities at said THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES EVENTS.
In consideration of my application and permitting me to participate in this THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES EVENTS, I hereby take action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors, and assigns as follows:
(A)I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE from all liability, including but not limited to, liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released, for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me including my traveling to and from this THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES. THE FOLLOWING ENTITIES OR PERSONS: THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES., and/or their coaches, agents, representatives, or volunteers.
(B) I INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS, AND PROMISE NOT TO SUE the entities or persons mentioned in this paragraph from all liabilities or claims made because of participation in this THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES EVENTS, whether caused by negligence or otherwise.
I acknowledge that this THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES may carry with it the potential for death, serious injury, and personal loss. The risks may include, but are not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of participants, equipment, vehicular traffic, actions of other people including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, and lack of hydration.
I consent and agree that THE SWINDLE GROUP LLC AND ALL ITS AFFILATES., and/or their coaches, agents, representatives, or volunteers may take photographs or digital recordings of me s a participant during this event and use these in any and all media for training or promotional purposes. I further consent that my identity may be revealed therein or by description text or commentary. I waive any rights, claims or interest and I understand that there will be no financial or other remuneration.
The accident waiver, release of liability and image release shall be construed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under applicable law.
The Undersigned parent and or natural guardian does hereby represent that he/she is, in fact, acting in such capacity, has consented to his/her child or ward’s participation in the Sports Camp, and has agreed individually and on behalf of the child or ward, to the terms of the accident waiver and release of liability set forth above. The undersigned parent or guardian further agrees to save and hold harmless and indemnify each and all parties referred to above from all liability, loss, cost, claim, or damage whatsoever which may be imposed upon said parties because of any defect on lack of such capacity to so act and release said parties on behalf of the minor and the parents or legal guardian.